Travere Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:TVTX) CAO Sandra Calvin sold 798 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction that occurred on Monday, January 31st. The shares were sold at an average price of $26.51, for a total value of $21,154.98. The transaction was disclosed in a filing with the SEC, which is accessible through the SEC website.
Sandra Calvin also recently made the following trade(s):
- On Monday, January 24th, Sandra Calvin sold 934 shares of Travere Therapeutics stock. The shares were sold at an average price of $24.58, for a total value of $22,957.72.
Shares of TVTX opened at $27.03 on Friday. The firm has a market cap of $1.65 billion, a PE ratio of -5.93 and a beta of 0.74. The stock’s fifty day moving average price is $28.12 and its two-hundred day moving average price is $24.75. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.73, a current ratio of 5.12 and a quick ratio of 5.06. Travere Therapeutics, Inc. has a 1 year low of $12.75 and a 1 year high of $32.42.
Several large investors have recently added to or reduced their stakes in the stock. Armistice Capital LLC raised its stake in shares of Travere Therapeutics by 144.0% during the 2nd quarter. Armistice Capital LLC now owns 5,748,000 shares of the company’s stock valued at $83,863,000 after purchasing an additional 3,392,000 shares during the period. BlackRock Inc. raised its stake in shares of Travere Therapeutics by 3.3% during the 2nd quarter. BlackRock Inc. now owns 4,992,525 shares of the company’s stock valued at $72,840,000 after purchasing an additional 160,970 shares during the period. Janus Henderson Group PLC raised its stake in shares of Travere Therapeutics by 3.0% during the 3rd quarter. Janus Henderson Group PLC now owns 4,023,074 shares of the company’s stock valued at $97,561,000 after purchasing an additional 117,961 shares during the period. Macquarie Group Ltd. raised its stake in shares of Travere Therapeutics by 42.9% during the 2nd quarter. Macquarie Group Ltd. now owns 3,912,413 shares of the company’s stock valued at $57,082,000 after purchasing an additional 1,174,860 shares during the period. Finally, State Street Corp raised its stake in shares of Travere Therapeutics by 41.6% during the 2nd quarter. State Street Corp now owns 3,453,859 shares of the company’s stock valued at $50,392,000 after purchasing an additional 1,014,332 shares during the period.
TVTX has been the subject of several recent research reports. SVB Leerink boosted their price objective on Travere Therapeutics from $37.00 to $42.00 and gave the company an “outperform” rating in a report on Thursday, December 16th. Zacks Investment Research raised Travere Therapeutics from a “sell” rating to a “hold” rating in a research report on Friday, January 28th. Finally, Barclays boosted their price objective on Travere Therapeutics from $36.00 to $40.00 and gave the stock an “overweight” rating in a research report on Thursday, December 16th. Two analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and five have assigned a buy rating to the stock. According to MarketBeat, the company has an average rating of “Buy” and a consensus price target of $31.43.
About Travere Therapeutics
Travere Therapeutics, Inc is a biopharmaceutical company. It engages in the identification, development, commercialization, and distribution of therapies to people living with rare diseases. The firm’s products include Chenodal, Cholbam, and Thiola. The company was founded by Martin Shkreli on February 8, 2008 and is headquartered in San Diego, CA.
Further Reading: Example of operating income, EBIT and EBITDA
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