Home ETF News Get Real! Why REAL Interest Rates Matter

Get Real! Why REAL Interest Rates Matter

by 3EDGE Asset Management

This week, 3EDGE’s Chief Investment Strategist, Fritz Folts, and CEO and CIO, Steve Cucchiaro, discuss real interest rates, an important factor in driving the global capital markets.

  • What are real interest rates, and why do they matter?
  • Why is it important to adjust interest rates for inflation?
  • Why do some real interest rate calculations use expected inflation while others use actual inflation?
  • What does it mean if real rates are negative?

“Fed: Faster rate hikes are likely if inflation stays high” Christopher Rugaber, ABC News https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/fed-faster-rate-hikes-inflation-stays-high-82934984

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