DouYu International Holdings Limited (NASDAQ:DOYU)’s share price gapped up prior to trading on Tuesday . The stock had previously closed at $2.19, but opened at $2.25. DouYu International shares last traded at $2.24, with a volume of 34,858 shares changing hands.
DOYU has been the subject of a number of recent analyst reports. Bank of America initiated coverage on shares of DouYu International in a research report on Monday, December 27th. They set an “underperform” rating and a $3.30 price target for the company. Zacks Investment Research upgraded shares of DouYu International from a “sell” rating to a “hold” rating in a research report on Friday, January 21st. Morgan Stanley initiated coverage on shares of DouYu International in a research report on Wednesday, October 13th. They set a “sell” rating and a $3.00 price target for the company. Finally, Citigroup reduced their price target on shares of DouYu International from $3.80 to $3.60 and set a “neutral” rating for the company in a research report on Wednesday, November 17th. Two analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, two have given a hold rating and one has issued a buy rating to the stock. According to data from, DouYu International has an average rating of “Hold” and a consensus price target of $5.08.
The business has a 50-day simple moving average of $2.43. The company has a market cap of $788.32 million, a P/E ratio of -9.72 and a beta of 0.96.
DouYu International (NASDAQ:DOYU) last announced its earnings results on Tuesday, November 16th. The company reported ($0.16) earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, topping the consensus estimate of ($0.22) by $0.06. DouYu International had a negative net margin of 5.79% and a negative return on equity of 7.76%. The company had revenue of $2.35 billion during the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $2.36 billion. During the same period in the previous year, the business earned $0.04 earnings per share. The firm’s quarterly revenue was down 7.8% compared to the same quarter last year. As a group, equities analysts anticipate that DouYu International Holdings Limited will post -0.25 earnings per share for the current fiscal year.
Large investors have recently made changes to their positions in the stock. UBS Asset Management Americas Inc. lifted its stake in DouYu International by 8.7% in the second quarter. UBS Asset Management Americas Inc. now owns 401,737 shares of the company’s stock worth $2,748,000 after purchasing an additional 32,240 shares during the last quarter. Nuveen Asset Management LLC lifted its stake in DouYu International by 92.8% in the second quarter. Nuveen Asset Management LLC now owns 764,681 shares of the company’s stock worth $5,231,000 after purchasing an additional 368,117 shares during the last quarter. Laurion Capital Management LP lifted its stake in DouYu International by 21.1% in the second quarter. Laurion Capital Management LP now owns 3,988,230 shares of the company’s stock worth $27,279,000 after purchasing an additional 694,920 shares during the last quarter. Vanguard Group Inc. lifted its stake in DouYu International by 46.7% in the second quarter. Vanguard Group Inc. now owns 4,787,629 shares of the company’s stock worth $32,747,000 after purchasing an additional 1,524,758 shares during the last quarter. Finally, Paloma Partners Management Co bought a new stake in DouYu International in the second quarter worth $339,000. Institutional investors own 18.87% of the company’s stock.
About DouYu International (NASDAQ:DOYU)
DouYu International Holdings Ltd. develops and operates game-centric live streaming platform in China, both on personal computer and mobile apps. The company was founded by Shaojie Chen and Wenming Zhang on April 3, 2014 and is headquartered in Wuhan, China.
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