Alphawave IP Group plc (LON:AWE – Get Rating) insider Sehat Sutardja bought 52,480 shares of the stock in a transaction dated Friday, July 8th. The shares were bought at an average price of GBX 128 ($1.52) per share, for a total transaction of £67,174.40 ($79,893.43).
Sehat Sutardja also recently made the following trade(s):
- On Tuesday, July 5th, Sehat Sutardja bought 32,304 shares of Alphawave IP Group stock. The shares were bought at an average price of GBX 129 ($1.53) per share, for a total transaction of £41,672.16 ($49,562.51).
- On Wednesday, June 29th, Sehat Sutardja bought 19,690 shares of Alphawave IP Group stock. The shares were bought at an average price of GBX 139 ($1.65) per share, for a total transaction of £27,369.10 ($32,551.26).
- On Friday, June 17th, Sehat Sutardja acquired 387,668 shares of Alphawave IP Group stock. The stock was acquired at an average price of GBX 140 ($1.67) per share, for a total transaction of £542,735.20 ($645,498.57).
- On Wednesday, June 15th, Sehat Sutardja acquired 33,795 shares of Alphawave IP Group stock. The shares were bought at an average cost of GBX 152 ($1.81) per share, for a total transaction of £51,368.40 ($61,094.67).
- On Monday, June 13th, Sehat Sutardja acquired 200,000 shares of Alphawave IP Group stock. The stock was bought at an average price of GBX 153 ($1.82) per share, with a total value of £306,000 ($363,939.11).
- On Friday, June 10th, Sehat Sutardja bought 15,673 shares of Alphawave IP Group stock. The shares were acquired at an average price of GBX 159 ($1.89) per share, with a total value of £24,920.07 ($29,638.52).
- On Wednesday, May 25th, Sehat Sutardja acquired 426,859 shares of Alphawave IP Group stock. The stock was purchased at an average price of GBX 158 ($1.88) per share, with a total value of £674,437.22 ($802,137.51).
- On Monday, May 23rd, Sehat Sutardja acquired 448,319 shares of Alphawave IP Group stock. The shares were acquired at an average cost of GBX 160 ($1.90) per share, with a total value of £717,310.40 ($853,128.45).
- On Tuesday, May 17th, Sehat Sutardja acquired 500,000 shares of Alphawave IP Group stock. The shares were acquired at an average cost of GBX 143 ($1.70) per share, with a total value of £715,000 ($850,380.59).
- On Tuesday, May 17th, Sehat Sutardja bought 500,000 shares of Alphawave IP Group stock. The stock was purchased at an average cost of GBX 143 ($1.70) per share, with a total value of £715,000 ($850,380.59).
AWE stock opened at GBX 129.60 ($1.54) on Tuesday. The stock has a market capitalization of £883.64 million and a P/E ratio of 12,960.00. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 1.48, a quick ratio of 15.91 and a current ratio of 15.94. Alphawave IP Group plc has a one year low of GBX 113.60 ($1.35) and a one year high of GBX 473.60 ($5.63). The company has a 50 day moving average price of GBX 150.85 and a two-hundred day moving average price of GBX 164.32.
Separately, Barclays reaffirmed an “overweight” rating and issued a GBX 500 ($5.95) target price on shares of Alphawave IP Group in a research note on Friday, April 29th.
About Alphawave IP Group (Get Rating)
Alphawave IP Group plc designs, develops, and sells connectivity solutions. The company offers connectivity, integrated products, and chiplet IP products. It serves the data center, artificial intelligence, 5G wireless infrastructure, data networking, autonomous vehicles, and solid-state storage end markets in North America, the Asia Pacific, Europe, and the United Kingdom.
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