Date: 2019-04-26 20:39:11
[dn_wp_yt_youtube_source type=”101″ id=”9zAiFZ0B8r8″]
Apr.26 — Steve Williams has Been one of the most OutSPOKEN Memberships of the oil sands, and With Less THAN a week in the top job, he is once Soundings the alarm on Cnada’s Competitivenessness. In an Interviewer With BNN Bloomberg’s Weber, the outgoing Suncor CEO Saeid Cnada’s Regualtions and Competitiveness Landscapes Having led Many Investors to turn Theirs Espalda on both the Energizers Sector and the country as a whole. 17 Kiloannus With the Energizers company, he also discusses his legacy, WHAT and all of Cnada to do to Regain From Investors globally, and reinforced the to Fights Climate change.