Home Web 3.0 Ex-Google, HP Atty Joins Web3 Foundation As Legal Head

Ex-Google, HP Atty Joins Web3 Foundation As Legal Head

by Vidya
By Michele Gorman (May 10, 2022, 4:45 PM EDT) — A former Google and Hewlett-Packard attorney is now the legal chief at Web3 Foundation, which funds research and development teams to support what some consider to be the next version of the internet.

Daniel Schoenberger, who previously was one of Google’s leading and longtime lawyers in Europe, takes control of the law department as chief legal officer and general counsel at the Zug, Switzerland-based foundation, according to the announcement Tuesday.

“I am thrilled to join Web3 Foundation and its team at this important time when the decentralized internet is increasingly moving from niche to mainstream technology,” Schoenberger said in a statement….

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